Location: Consultations are held at The Sanctuary, Hills Road Sports and Tennis Centre, Purbeck Road, Cambridge. Other venues by arrangement.
I also offer consultations at Cambridge Cancer Help Centre, one Wednesday a month, or online. Find out about eligibility and booking here.
The Bach Centre – Much more about Dr Bach, his healing philosophy and the remedies. Also the full International Practitioner Register.
Emma Kenny Therapies – Reflexology, Hopi Ear Candling, Aromatherapy Massage, Indian Head Massage, Facials and more. I’ve been seeing therapist Emma Kenny for years and can highly recommend!
Healthy Pages – Information on therapies and therapists to help you find what you’re looking for, wherever you are!
The Holistic Room – Information on a range of natural therapies
The Original Writings
The Twelve Healers and Other Remedies
Heal Thyself
All written by Dr Edward Bach and published by The C.W.Daniel Co.Ltd., Saffron Walden
Photos: I’d like to thank Mo Sibbons for supplying the flower photos. Other photos from Pixabay.com and by Gwenda Kyd.
Hand-made “Rescue Soap”– gentle soap with essential oils, Bach Rescue Remedy and Crab Apple Flower Essence. Now available from Emma Kenny Therapies or contact me to buy directly.